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Daniel Gross with deepest condolences August 28, 2016
To the Brodsky & Kemp families,  and to Helena ' s children,  I am so very sorry for your loss.  Incredibly sorry to learn of the death of Helena ' s husband.  I went to Concord High School and the University of Delaware with Helena.  We were good friends and carpool buddies at U of D. Such a wonderful,  funny,  kind, giving person.  She was very sweet to me, at a very difficult time in my life.  I shall always remember that kindness.  My prayers to her three children,  her sister Becky, and the entire Brodsky/Kemp family. 
Jean-Marc Work Im broken finding this March 22, 2014
I was friends with Helena in college in 87-90. and .....we were very close, and we talked of the future alot. I dont even know what to say................im just seeing NOW a message she left me on classmates.com. its from 2007!           WHAT!!!!
Anyway, i think it will just add to how you knew she always felt about her family. its serial  to think of just reading this "note" to me and then finding out shes gone, in the same minute. i hope this gives even more solace in what an incredible woman she is/was. Helena...I miss you!!!!! your humor and love of family

From: Helena Brodsky (view profile)
To: Marc Work
Sent: March 21, 2007 09:08:56 PM
Subject: Hi, from Helena!
Dear Marc ~ I don't know why, but I was checking out classmates.com and found your name listed. I thought I'd drop you a note to say hello and find out what you are up to. I hope you remember me, otherwise I'm making a huge ass out of myself! Oh well, it certainly isn't the first time and I'm sure it won't be the last time, either. Just to refresh your memory, you dated my roommate, Kris Fiorillo for a while. She and I are no longer friends and I haven't seen her in nearly a year. I think she's married to husband #3. She kinda cut me loose after I got married. And once my kids were born, that was the straw that broke the camel's back, I think. I don't think she approved of the medical interventions needed for me to have children. Her loss, not mine. I've got three awesome kids now! =) I still live in PA, outside Philly. I'm a stay-at-home mom to 5-year old triplets, Madison, Zoe and Jonathan. I know I'm bragging, but they really are amazing kids. Not even in Kindergarten yet, and already Zoe and Jonathan are reading. Madison almost has the concept of sounding out the words. By the time she starts school in September, I"m sure she'll be reading just like her brother and sister. Anyway, I'd love to hear about you and what's going on in your life. Are you still living in the NJ/NY area? Married? Kids? Driving a minivan these days, or a Ferrari? Do you still keep in touch with any of the old crowd from K-town? If you feel like dropping me an email, you can reach me at lenadoll@verizon.net
Marc James Work Friend from collage March 22, 2014
Wow, i haven't been keeping track with messages left to me. Ssssssigh, i really not getting/comprehending that i just received this incredible message from a close friend from college thatnow i can't reconnect with her...."she is gone".,,she has left us!!
When there is an addition to this page plspls let the the family know 
Helena and I were friends in Kutztown University, I can see her in my mind perfectly....shopping the used clothing stores with all of us "goth" kids, (she was friends with a girl named Michelle...she was friends with all of us, but we met her thru Michelle) ....Im taking very deep breathes, i cant believe i missed her message to me, and now shes gone......
here's a little background on how we knew each other. she was always thinking of the future....and we'd talk about travelling and shed always talk about the children shed have) and would talk quite vividly about them. she was serious bout school subjects, but would be the 1st one to give you a hug "when needed", and to say ...Were too serious we need to PARTY!!
which meant ....when EVER you wanted one!!We went out and "partied"alot.hehe, LOL. but it was what was done,,we studied alot ..so we deserved to blow a bit"o" steam off, ...Woah, im still not absorbing this. I just "read" her letter to me not even 8 minutes ago. and i went to find her ...and shes gone!!!???

I'de like to copy her message to me here because of how she spoke of her life and her kids, her humors all over this message , too:)
Esti Allina I Had A Dream Last Night December 25, 2013
And Helena was there. And at the same time I knew she was dead. I had to go into another room and cry about it. Then I wrote about how we'd tried to get together each summer I visited in the States, and it didn't work out. The last summer you were alive, and you were going to stop by, you didn't end up having time. The last time I saw you was when we both had 3-month old babies. Well, I had one - the last of my 4 boy series, and you had your trifecta.

And just a couple of years later, the shocking news of Andrew's death.

And you carried on - a strong woman, a dedicated mother, an ambitious student of nursing.

And just a couple of years later - your obit landed in my inbox.

Grief.   Shock.   Disbelief.

How could Hashem take you away from your babies?! They need you.

I know you must have struggled with the angels, who led you to the light, to remain down here with your babies.
I know you did.

And suddenly I miss you so much. We were meant to celebrate our 49th birthdays together, you and me - me on the 22nd of November, and you on the 23rd.

I just looked through my emails - thank goodness I saved them - and reread the one you wrote about overcoming your addiction to cigarettes. And I shared my then coming-out story of my trich addiction. I'm still addicted.
But rereading your email gave me strength and hope - if you and your husband, z''l, could overcome substance addictions, I certainly can give up my plucking! I may need some help from you, though. Can you do that for me?

I've tried to keep in touch with Mary, but that's proven elusive. I so want to see your kids and know them as they grow up.
The girls should be getting ready for their bat mitzvah this year. If only I could be there to share that with them. I know you'll be standing with them on the bima. 

Helena, you must have finished your tikkun down here, and are in bliss where you are - back with your parents, and Andrew. But know you are missed here. 
Susan Parcels Think of you often August 1, 2013
I hope your children are doing well and thriving!  I know that they meant the world to you and Andrew!  I miss you and think of you often.

Jackie Remembering you, thinking of your babies October 29, 2012
Helena, You are very much remembered often! Prayers are being said for your precious miracles. You are missed year round by many! *hugs* - Jackie
Gina Your 45th. Birthday November 24, 2009
Precious lady - - - I am thinking of you today and celebrating the love and laughter your brought into my life.  Sending my love to your precious three!
Tina Thinking of you November 23, 2009
Thinking of Helena today, her birthday. I know in my heart that you and Andrew are watching your babies from above.  Happy Birthday Helena!!
Claire Missing you! August 24, 2009
Helena, I want you to know that I am thinking of you and missing our little chats!  I hope and pray that your children are all doing well and are all being taken care of.  I know they now have a beautiful guardian angel to watch over them. Rest well my friend! Love Claire
Tarra Happy Birthday Helena November 23, 2008
Today she celebrates what would have been her 44th birthday on earth. But she is in heaven with Andrew. For that my heart is happy. For all of us left behind my heart hurts. For their 3 babies, I pray all is well.
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