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Debbie She will be greatly missed May 8, 2008

To the Kemp/Brodsky family,

I am so shocked and saddened to hear about Helena's passing. I was the social worker in the Intensive Care Nursery for the triplets when they were born. Helena and I became fast friends and stayed in touch for several years after the babies went home. I had not heard from her in a while and found out this morning she had died when I googled her name. I am so sorry, words really cannot express the sorrow. She loved her children so much and was dedicated to them even before they were conceived. When she came back to visit the hospital when they were four years old, we could see how incredible she was with them and how much they loved her. This is truly a loss for all who knew her, the triplets will be in my prayers. G-d bless them...

Carl Such a sad story March 18, 2008
2 of her children are in my Daughter's Kindergarten class - I feel horrible for the children and hope they are okay.  Has anyone organized any sort of benefit for them?
Kim We will miss you! March 6, 2008

To the Kemp Children,  I want you to know how very proud and how much your mommy loved you.  She lived her life for you and you were her brightess moments.  I know that you will miss her, but please know that she and your daddy are both still loving you and so very proud of each of you. 


To the Brodsky & Kemp families, I knew Helena only through this little box on my desk, but in the time that Ihfave known her I have admired her for her love and committment to her family and faith.  After Andrew passed, she was an inspriation to me in her strength and understanding of God's plans for us.  She gathered herself up and continued to live her life as an example to all of those who knew her.  I am truly sorry for the loss of Helena.  I am sure she will be missed.  Please keep her and Andrew alive for her children.  Please let us know if there is anything we can do to help.  I am a part of women that Helena has been with online through a triplet group.  All of our children were born during the Spring of 2002, so we have connected with each other.  We will definitely miss her in our conversations.

Jackie Sue She was a gift to us all March 4, 2008
Helena will be missed here for sure. I am praying for her three precious miracles, along with the Brodsky and Kemp families. She was so sweet to me. We met on a PCOS email list supporting each other as blessed mommies. She was so sweet to many in her Blogland too. How blessed we are to have known Helena!!
Claire I will miss you! March 2, 2008

My thoughts and prayers go out to Zoe, Madison, Johnathan and the entire Brodsky and Kemp families! 

   Helena was a friend whom I met on a pcos support board she asked me if I would like to chat since I am from Philadelpia and she lived near by!  At the time she was getting ready to go through IVF and I was working my way towards it!  We talked several times on the phone and I even went down to see her and the triplets in the nicu at Pennsylvania Hosp!  The next time we got to see each other I was in Pennsylvania Hosp on bed rest also having triplets(2girls and 1boy). She had her adorable triplets with her and at the time they had to be about 8months old. Over the years we were always trying to get together with the kids!

   I have not talked to Helena in several months and I had no idea she was sick, I only found out of her passing when i googled her name yesterday!  I have not seen her online and tried to email her several times with no response.  I knew that was unlike her to not blog or email me back just to let me know everything was ok........

   My heart is broken for her children and I know how much she loved each and everyone one of them and wanted them more then anyone could ever want children ! I know how truly proud she was of them and how she loved to brag about everthing they did! She was a wonderful mother and a true inspiration to me!  I feel blessed to have known her and I am really going to miss her! 



side note:

To whom it may concern: I am not a social worker but I  am the mother of a child with cerebral palsy, if  you ever need to talk to me or bounce things off of me in regards to the children I may be able to help you with the resources you need! God bless Claire 215-332-0950 or hamtrio@aol.com

Gina For her three treasures February 28, 2008
My heart and prayers go out to her sweet miracle children and family.  Helena was a special friend and I will never forget her. She never wavered in her love and dedication to her children and I pray that they never forget how much she loved them.  I was blessed to know and love her too.
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